Shield the Molars & Premolars With Dental Sealants

Are you concerned about your dental health, or that of your child? Would you like to give your smile or your child’s smile an extra burst of protection? Ask us about dental sealants. Dental sealant is a plastic material that is painted thinly over the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to protect them from decay. Why are dental sealants... read more »

Common Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath, which is also called halitosis, is a big downer in social situations. Sometimes having bad breath just indicates that you need to brush your teeth or use a mint, but that is not always enough. Read on for some common causes of bad breath: Dental Problems Bad breath is often caused by gum disease or tooth decay. Bacteria... read more »

Keeping Your Toothbrush in Good Shape

Your toothbrush is probably your best tool for fighting tooth decay and keeping your mouth happy and healthy. For your toothbrush to do it’s job well, it needs to be in great condition. While you depend on your toothbrush, your toothbrush also depends on you. First, you need to make sure that your toothbrush is in good shape. In this... read more »

Dental Extraction Procedure

In general, dental extractions, sometimes referred to as tooth removal, come in two forms: -A simple extraction is performed on a tooth that can be seen in the oral cavity. In a straightforward extraction, Dr. LaRose and Dr. Smith loosen the tooth with an instrument called an elevator. Then our dentists use an instrument called a forceps to eradicate the... read more »

Don’t Let Summer Fun Darken Your Whitened Smile

Summer is finally upon us and it's time to enjoy all the social activities that come with it! At Kootenai Family Dental, Dr. Alexis LaRose and our team have been helping patients in the Coeur d'Alene, Idaho area whiten their smiles with our in-office whitening treatment. Known as LUMIBRITE™, this system combines a high-quality whitening gel with the Sapphire® Supreme... read more »